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iPhone 13 Rumors: Get Ready For The Next iPhone!

iphone 13
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Okay so I've been thinking a lot about the iPhone 13 recently I have my iPhone 12 pro here and I absolutely love it I released a review of it as you can probably tell from the review and from my shiny face here loving this thing so much but the iPhone 13 is definitely coming maybe it will be called something else we don't know but there are a couple of rumors out there and I wanted to talk about some of those rumors and also some things that I actually wish for but it's probably wishful thinking but hey let's just do this thing let's talk about some of the rumors the most.

The obvious ones are improved camera and improved performance that's boring stuff that's like we kind of expect apple to deliver that every single year slightly better camera slightly better performance to be completely honest the camera part that makes a huge difference for me I buy a new iPhone every other year so yeah any improvements to the camera is very welcome.

but it depends on what it is and I'm going to get into that more in my wish list other rumors is 120-hertz display I'll be honest I don't really care too much about the speed of the display and I'm gonna make videos about that in the future but for now, look if they want to put   120 hertz just because the public demands it  I'm totally fine with it now.
this will have an impact on the battery but I keep hearing rumors that the battery is going to be smaller but better and how is that possible well they're going to use some kind of new technology called soft board technology so that's pretty impressive let's see if it pans out some of these rumors are kind of wishful thinking but we'll see then there are these other rumors like one terabyte storage and boring 8k video now.

we're talking and then 10x zoom now this is actually something that i am kind  of interested in like let me put it in a different way i am not a huge fan of the 2x lens like it's   it's pointless and if it's low light apple would automatically switch to the better camera and   crop in so like i'll be honest at this point i'll say it the iphone 12 gives you much better value   if we're talking about cameras because the 2x zoom not very important okay and now for my wishlist so   first of all i really wish that apple could drop some of these prices they're just ridiculous and   they have this lineup they have the cheaper phones but they're still in my opinion just too expensive   for what they do you know do you remember the times when iphones cost about five hundred dollars   like what happened did they really get that much vastly improved maybe but i still think they're   way too expensive like instead of looking at one thousand dollars can't just look at something like  top eight hundred dollars you know a thousand is like no no it's just a smartphone that you replace .

every year or every other year so that's too expensive in my opinion another wish that i have   is that they bring back the rounder edges now i love the design as i mentioned it in my iphone 12   review i love this design i loved it on the iphone 4 on the iphone 5. it's a good grip but it's nicer   to hold rounder edges that's just the truth so i really want 3d touch i don't know about you guys  but i miss it like crazy i didn't think i would i felt like hey the haptic touch is pretty good but   there are so many occasions where i just go like ah i i can't even touch the space bar you know and  no i i really miss the 3d touch if they can bring it back i would be super thrilled something that   a lot of youtubers mention is the removal of the notch like the sensor in this thing so you  can unlock your smartphone with your face you need to have that selfie camera with a sensor but that  notch though like it's i've always hated it and even to this day i still go like i just wish it   wasn't there you know but i understand that they have to have it there but why do they have to make .

it so big make it smaller make a teardrop like put in a punch hole something but that thick notch  it's just i know that they can do better than this i just know it and also i'm secretly missing the   touch id you know i really wish like honestly this would be the perfect smartphone it had both face  unlock and touch unlocked because that way there are certain situations where it's nice to have   face id and other situations it's good to have touch id like when it's lying flat on the table   and you have to like instead of leaning over it every time you can just push the button you know   or when you're on the bus and you have to have that ridiculous face mask you can just use touch  id you know so i hope they put it in and like if you think about it apple is one of the first   companies to implement finger id like that was a big milestone and so i hope that they bring it   back and they put it under the display that would be just awesome come on apple like other companies  have done it you can do it too okay uh now this is something that probably only a few people wish   for 4k 120 i know i know for most people it's like what is 4k you know it's like who wants that who   needs that don't we already have slow motion yes but i'm talking like my standard for video when   i'm making youtube videos or when whenever i'm filming i really like my standard is 4k   i'm not into 8k like in my opinion 8k is overrated and 4k is underrated and so i like to shoot b-roll   i often shoot these slow motion videos with my my mirrorless camera the gh5 and so i really   hope it shows up in the iphone 13. now i mentioned about ios 14 and I'm guessing ios 15 will arrive shouldn't it be named the same thing please apple remove the app jar nobody likes the app jar like at least give us the option to disable it you know all right and then I have two things on my wish list but this is like out there it's just not gonna happen but I figure if enough people complain about it maybe something will happen I'd like the return of removable batteries and i would like them to implement removable screens you know because it just kills me that.

 If I drop this thing like I have to replace the screen and it costs like 300 it's ridiculous to give us a replaceable screen that's simple to replace or you know just a top cover or something when it gets enough scratches you can just remove it but obviously, they're not gonna do it because then people wouldn't find reasons to upgrade their smartphone so they're not gonna put that feature in the second thing I want is removable batteries in Sweden and the European union there already talks about laws about forcing companies to put in removable batteries from a purely environmental perspective now personally if you know me from previously I don't care about the environment just joking but I really don't but it's like it just kills me that every two years i have to upgrade my smartphone not because the smartphone has become slow but because the battery is at eighty percent capacity and if i could just remove it then i won't have to upgrade it you know.

but i can't just remove the back plate cover and just put in a new battery like you could back in   the old days you actually have to pay an apple certified service to replace my battery for me   that's stupid i'm just looking around in the house how many things we have where you can remove the   batteries yourself and we had that on smartphones well maybe not smartphones but the old dumb phones   just bring it back i'm sure there are some limitations to it but i think that the biggest   reason that i haven't put it in is because again when the battery gets worse that's when   people upgrade their smartphones then there is a rumor that they're gonna remove the charging port   and only use magsafe like this feels obvious this feels like it was probably the plan for   the iphone 12 but they want to do like a soft implementation i get that me personally not   a huge fan of the magsafe it has no benefits and it's slower so no no thank you apple usb-c  charging that would be something though that's how my wish list by the way just just you know   okay that's all i have for today hope you enjoyed this video and i'll see you in the next one take care you.


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