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Nvidia’s plan ISN’T WORKING !!!


Nvidia News
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Crippled the mining efficiency of the upcoming RTX 3060 graphics card and announced the new CMP GPU's specifically designed for mining.

This was supposed to ensure that gamers could actually get their hands on gaming GPUs before miners bought up all the stock. And that would have been a smart move if it wasn't actually a really dumb move.  Oh.- Because a YouTuber named Crypto Leo has already shown that the 3060 can still mine cryptocurrency and make a profit. 

I'm shocked.- Nvidia's unhackable limiter only kicks in when it detects the 3060 is being used to mine Ethereum, but it does jack squat when mining other crypto coins. (man howling) - [Man] This is so stupid, okay, okay. - You're like one of three, got it. - Like Octopus and Cortex, which honestly sounds like they'd be way more fun to mine anyway. And miners know this because even though the 3060 is supposed to release tomorrow, the card is already showing up on secondhand markets all over the world, where miners are buying them up.

It's even more of a shame because this card looks like it will outperform both the RTX 2060 and 2070, that is if anyone ever gets to game on it. Honestly Nvidia, this plan was never going to work, but it's the thought that counts and you were thinking about money, so this still sucks. Facebook will stop blocking Australian news content after Mark Zuckerberg personally talked with Australian treasurer, Josh Frydenberg. That's right.- Frydenberg. - Who told reporters Facebook has befriended Australia.  Aaaw.- My heart. This is adorable. - You see, Australia was proposing legislation that would force tech giants to pay news publishers for linking to their articles. And Facebook responded in the mature adult way by throwing a tantrum and banning news posts by all Australian users and news outlets. The company says they've committed to spending at least $1 billion in the news industry over the next three years, while Google has made similar commitments with news publishers. So it looks like the Ozziesmight is backing off a bit. -  Get outta here.

What are you doing? Put that thing out there. What, do you want me? - The deals may have been influenced by rogue agent Microsoft, who despite owning their own search engine, backed the French and Australian government's attempts to implement a link tax. But I mean is being really a search engine. I thought it was like a Rick Roll situation. - [Man] Hey God, that was a good burn Madison. You told them.  I wrote this entire thing. And Google is slowly being confronted with the realization that they maybe should have toned down their ambition for stadia, a little bit. A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Google, ITS Software and Bungee, for misleading customers aboutStadia's ability to run games at 4k and 60 FPS, because the 4k those games were running at, was just upscaled from a lower resolution.

This week Google also ran into this problem where they're short on developers who can fix the bugs in Stadia exclusive, Journey to the Savage Planet because they fired those very developers when Stadia's internal game studio was shut down.  Made a huge mistake. - The bugs are patched now, but I feel like Stadia'sstill got some holes in the game plan. But if Stadia's done for, who will we depend on to make wild unrealistic claims about the future of cloud gaming? -  Aaaw.- Don't worry, Microsoft's got it covered. Recently telling Gamrat that X cloud will enable previously impossible gaming experiences. Will I be able to play Halo Infinite on the Apple watch? Then, what's the point? -Can't, no, the answer is no. You won't be able to do that. There's too much negative latency.

Got it. Now it's time for quick bits, brought to you by Volta 2.0, the reliable single cable for all your devices. It supports charging and data transfer on basically anything with a USB port, plus it's magnetic and snag proof, like that other magnetic connector standard that Apple killed years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. Volta has a 30-day money-back guarantee and lifetime warranty. So stop accidentally yanking your phone onto the floor by the cord, when you flail your arms like I do multiple times a day, and check out the Volta2.0 at the link below.

- [Man] You do that. - Quick bits are definitely a thing. That's one thing I'm sure of.- [Man] Hey. - A major overhaul is reportedly on the way to Windows 10. The 21H2 update, code-named Sun Valley will bring a new softer design with rounded corners, new animations, the action center from Windows 10X. But most importantly, we might get a consolidation of the currently horribleWindows 7 and Windows 10 control panel situation.

They're going to merge like Goku and Vegeta. - [Man] Yeah, you see anime? - I love anime. - I have anime and God on my side. HP has announced that they're acquiring HyperX, the gaming division of hardware maker, Kingston, for $425 million. Kingston will keep makingRAM, SSDs, and all that. But HyperX's mice, keyboards, headsets and more, will now be HP products. I've tried to think about how they're going to brand it to fit the HP into HyperX, but I can't envision it.

. It's either an HP or an X. - Just put the whole alphabet in it while you're at it. ZD net is reporting that Samsung will release a Windows 10 laptop later this year, powered by the company's ARM-based X and OS CPU and an accompanying AMD GPU. On the one hand, ARM-based windows laptops usually suck. on the other hand, X andOS is built by Samsung. So maybe it'll have some apple M1 style magic to make it not suck. On the other hand, Samsung phones with X and OS chips, suck. I guess you should buy a Chromebook, Fry's Electronics, a mainstay of PC builders and tech enthusiasts for decades, is shutting down all 30 of its American locations and going out of business. I actually didn't know that. - [Man] Oh, you know about Fries? - Yeah, I've been to Fry's Electronics.

- [Man] I haven't.- They always were in really weird buildings. The one in like Arizona was in a pyramid. It was like a pyramid. I think it used to be a movie theater. It's being said that a mixture of consignment practices and the impact of the pandemic is responsible. But scattered reports also reference a hooded Jeff Bezos stabbing the back of the store with an Amazon basics knife. So I think there's more to this story.

[Man] I'm looking into it. - And if you were hoping to give BioWare's ill-fated action RPG Anthem, a shot for some ill-conceived reason, EA has shut down the development of the game. - [Man] No!- The developers and fans were hoping for a NoMan's Sky style makeover but it's just not gonna happen. But if you're looking for another project to place your unrealistic hopes on, there's always a star citizen. - [Man] Oh, okay. I put $1500. - Did you get it back? You should ask for a refund. - [Man] I will eventually. - It's the new stonk. There's no more stories man, that's it. Okay, fine, but we'll be back on Friday for more tech news, but that's the last time. - [Man] It's not the last time. We're gonna keep making. I don't where you came up with that. - I said it's the last time.
